Friday, September 30, 2005

The End of an Era

Well folks, as they say...all good things must come to an end. Jerry Rice has retired from football. Cadillac and Ronnie have graduated from AU. Gas prices will never again dip below $2.00/gallon...and as of Saturday, 4542 Plummer Court...also know as Momma G's place is no more.

The house that many of you actually have or had keys to...the house with "the coffee table"...the place where so many of us spent hours and hours just hanging closed for business.

We moved to that house when I was in the 7th grade so of course, that house will always hold many memories...

- hours of playing "burn out" with my Dad in the backyard
- epic football games in the side yard...many of which I played by myself, always making the game winning catch or game saving tackle
- afternoon long b'ball games on the goal in the cul de sac (many with a strategically placed jogging trampoline, just to make things interesting)
- where Max and Sam (the family dogs) joined our family.
- the night Kristin (my sister) locked me out of the house...on purpose.
- lots an lots of b'day parties where cake was enjoyed by all without a fork, or knife...or even a plate. Nothing like friends hanging out with hand-fulls of cake.
- it was the place that "Q" first got together
- the home of the coffee table signed by just about everyone who walked through those doors
- hours of movies and games
- it was a place of refuge when I moved back to Montgomery

We all will miss that house that played such a prominent part in some many of our lives.

Thanks for the memories 4542 Plummer will be missed.

I know there are so many "events" that I have forgotten. What do you remember about Momma G's?

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Man, do I love my wife!

There are many ways to show how much you appreciate and love your spouse. This past week held one of those chances for me and my wife. Thursday night, there I was sitting in River Walk Stadium with my lovely bride and some friends...not to watch the Biscuits play again, but to hear...the group Alabama.

Now I know what some of you are thinking. Hey cool Alabama! I didn't even know they were touring again. Well, they're not. Thursday night was an impromptu acoustic performance to raise money for the victims of hurricane Katrina. There were 3 of the members of the group Alabama and 4 other songwriters from Nashville, all on a stage set-up just behind the pitcher's mound, playing their guitars and singing their little songs.

So what's the big deal, you may ask. How does going to a seemingly pleasant evening at the ballpark show how much you love your wife?

Well, here's the reason...I can't stand country music. I may be the only recorded case of someone breaking into hives due to the sounds of country music. I just don't like it. It's not for me, but my wife likes it. And she really wanted to go see Alabama, so there we were.

The evening started out pretty good as the opening act was Bobby Moore and the Rhythm Aces. Nothing like a little soul music to get you ready for...Alabama?

Anyway, I was entertained that night. Not so much by the music, although one of the songs was really funny. It was by my observations of the crowd I was now a part of. Laura and I began a mental checklist that I would now like to share with you. (Disclaimer: I am not a judgmental person. I just think it's funny when stereotypes actually show up where you expect them.)

So, with all due respect to Jeff Foxworthy, here is what we not only saw, but were amongst...

- various forms of mullet, both male and female...check
- 40 year old man with braided rat tail...check
- a colorful assortment of tank tops (wife beaters surprisingly absent from the crowd)...check
- trendy cowgirl hat...check
- rolled up blue jean shorts...check
- sleeveless button down shirt...check
- clothing made out of the confederate flag...check
- "Lee surrendered, I didn't" t-shirt...check
- Alabama "last tour" t-shirt...check
- NASCAR representation...check
- chain smokers smoking in a non-smoking facility...check (luckily only 3 seats down from me)
- drunk college students...check
- pregnant lady whose shirt did not come down far enough...check
- cheap, faded tattoos...check
- skinny woman with smoker's skin...check

And my all-time favorite,

- foam front trucker hat which read, "BEER: helping ugly people have sex for over 60 years"

You just can't make this stuff up.

Believe it or not, due to all the entertainment located around me, and struggling to keep my lungs clean...I actually had a good time and many people were helped as the crowd raised $110,000 for hurricane relief.

That's it for now...let me know if you have any to add to the list...
