First off, let me say thanks to the hot chick that hacked into my blog to prove to me that people do still check this thing...thanks babe!
Now, back to our regularly scheduled programming...
Will someone please explain to me why the interstate should EVER come to a complete stop for any reason other than an accident or lane closures. Moving to Prattville (I can see clearly now...the house has been completed for quite some time now), has given me the opportunity to partake in our fine Alabama interstate system. What has gotten me confused though, is when I am driving to work...on the accidents or lane closings, why do I have to come to a complete stop? multiple times! I mean, think with me for a minute. If the first person on the interstate is driving 60 mph, then the next person shoudl be as should the next, and the next, and the next, etc. Even if the first person pulls off on an exit, the next person doesn't have to stop completely. They just keep driving...does this make sense to anyone else?
I keep picturing in my head, the first person in the long line heading to Montgomery, just stopping on the interstate for no apparent reason...other than to tick off the rest of us trying to get to Mtgy to earn a living. If this is the case, who is this person and where can I find them?
Anybody have any thoughts to contribute?
Sunday, December 17, 2006
Monday, December 11, 2006
Return of the Mack...You Know That I'll Be Back
Hey y'all. It's Laura. Yes, I hacked my way into Baron's blog. This is just a test to see how many of you are still checking Baron's blog for updates. Anyone out there? Give a quick shout out to let Baron know that you're still eager for a new blog post.
Saturday, September 30, 2006
I Can See Clearly Now...
Thursday, September 21, 2006
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
Thought for the Day
It's pretty amazing what can come to you when you're pumped about a free trip to Six Flags whilst striving to become what God created you to be.
Here's what I came up with...
Life is like a rollercoaster ride...
You can spend the entire journey dreading the worst OR you can put your faith in the creator... sit back, and enjoy the ride.
As for me and my house, we will choose option 'bout you?
Here's what I came up with...
Life is like a rollercoaster ride...
You can spend the entire journey dreading the worst OR you can put your faith in the creator... sit back, and enjoy the ride.
As for me and my house, we will choose option 'bout you?
Friday, September 01, 2006
Apparently all of my house updates have to be linked to a without further adieu...
Inspired by the late, great dc Talk...(click here if unfamiliar with what I am referring to)

Taragon has walls (walls)
Of separation
Gypsum board abroad
No desperation

Taragon has walls (walls)
Of separation
Now it won't be long
til celebration!
And just because I love each and every one of you, I leave you with these two pics as well...scary Laura and Laura & the tractor...enjoy!
Inspired by the late, great dc Talk...(click here if unfamiliar with what I am referring to)

Taragon has walls (walls)
Of separation
Gypsum board abroad
No desperation

Of separation
Now it won't be long
til celebration!
And just because I love each and every one of you, I leave you with these two pics as well...scary Laura and Laura & the tractor...enjoy!

Monday, August 28, 2006
8:28 revisited
Today is our 2-year anniversary (I realize most of you won't read this until tomorrow, but work with me). If you've missed out on the spiritual significance found in the date of our here.
Wow! 2 years have really flown by, and's hard for me to think of a time when Laura wasn't a part of my life. I guess that happens when you've found "the right one"... and I definitely have done that.
No one else makes me laugh harder or more often.
No one else is more fun to be with.
No one else is more beautiful...without even trying.
No one else cares more for her family and her friends.
No one else makes me more sure of myself.
No one else is more supporting, more loving, more incredible than my wife, Laura.
Thanks babe for the best 2 years of my life. I can't wait to see what else God has in store for us.
I love you.

No one else makes me laugh harder or more often.
No one else is more fun to be with.
No one else is more beautiful...without even trying.
No one else cares more for her family and her friends.
No one else makes me more sure of myself.
No one else is more supporting, more loving, more incredible than my wife, Laura.
Thanks babe for the best 2 years of my life. I can't wait to see what else God has in store for us.
I love you.
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
She's a Brick(ed)----House!
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
Too Good To Pass Up...
Anyone who has frequented this blog for any length of time knows of my fondness for the bathroom music at ALFA.
Today's ALFA Bathroom Song of the Day was too good not to share. So...there I am..."taking care of business" when the song instant bathroom classic (drum roll, please)
Kenny Rogers and Dolly Parton...
Islands in the Stream!
"Baby, when I met you there was peace unknown
I set out to get you with a fine tooth comb
I was soft inside, there was somethin going on
You do something to me that I cant explain
Hold me closer and I feel no pain
Every beat of my heart
We got somethin goin on..."
(insert your own bathroom joke here)
Sometimes these things just write themselves :)
Today's ALFA Bathroom Song of the Day was too good not to share. So...there I am..."taking care of business" when the song instant bathroom classic (drum roll, please)
Kenny Rogers and Dolly Parton...
Islands in the Stream!
"Baby, when I met you there was peace unknown
I set out to get you with a fine tooth comb
I was soft inside, there was somethin going on
You do something to me that I cant explain
Hold me closer and I feel no pain
Every beat of my heart
We got somethin goin on..."
(insert your own bathroom joke here)
Sometimes these things just write themselves :)
Sunday, August 13, 2006
Monday, August 07, 2006
Our House...In the Middle of Our Street...

After much clamoring and demand for a post update on the house situation...mostly from my wife...I present to you, PICS FROM THE CONSTRUCTION ZONE...
It all started with some dirt and a dream...and someone else's rather large red dumpster....

Next came the odd configuration of boards along with piles of cement block...and a pallet of concrete. The suspense began to build as we tried to visualize what the house would look much of a backyard would we have...were there any dead bodies buried underneath our house and would that cause problems when we turned on the TV...

The frame seemed to go up over night...them boys were FAST!

Here's how the house looked our next trip to P'ville! Fully framed and papered...just like a big ole' present...without the bow...and ribbon...and fancy paper cause that stuff was just black and had staples and nails all in it...anywho. Very exciting sight for us!

Here where we stand at the moment, or at least since Saturday. Siding going up on the house...again much excitement. It's pretty amazing how quick they go up, at least until they are dried in and the interior stuff begins. That starts to slow down the process.
They say we should be in the house in October, so if you ever find yourself in Prattville in October (or November if things really slow down) come by and see us. We'll be the ones with the really big grins...and the new house. :)
Pics of the interior soon to come...again more of a country jail motif right now, but they tell me all that will change...we'll see...
Monday, July 31, 2006
Ode to My Ankle

I remember back when we had our first encounter with tragedy, it was baseball season...6th grade All-Stars. I tried to steal third and as I slid my ankle turned the wrong way as I hit the base. I couldn't get up. It was crutches for me as I missed the last 2 games of the series...which we lost.
Then there was 9th grade spring training. My chance at the big time...spring practice at the high school. Unfortunately for me, that ended when some biggin fell on the back of my leg and rolled up my ankle. Crutches again...and I missed out on asking this really hot girl to the dance that year.
Let's not forget the lock-in, 11th grade. Rolled my ankle playing basketball within the first 2 hours of an all night lock-in. Nothing quite like spending an exciting lock-in at the Y with your leg propped up.
Years roll by and so does my ankle...sprains here, strains there. Sometimes swelling...sometimes crutches...sometimes just a weird limp for a day or two.
It hasn't been all, basketball, wrestling, and even karate were without problems most of the time. I did make it down the aisle with my beautiful wife without incident. Survived Wilderness Trek without a tweak...and of course the latest trip to Six Flags and White Water.
So as I recover from yet another sprained ankle, I guess I owe my ankle some props. Without it I would have never known all the wonderful variations of ankle braces there are in the world (I think I have worn them all)...I wouldn't have known you can still get hurt even when you wear them. How about all the cool things you can do on crutches...when you're bored...and everyone else is playing the games you can't.
Here's to you ankle...may we have no more incidents, sprains, strains (or automobiles). There's no way I can sit on the sidelines for the rest of my life.
BTW, anyone know any good strengthening exercises?
Friday, July 07, 2006
ALFA Bathroom Song of the Day I started this whole blogging thing with a little bathroom humor...namely my concerns with the musak level in the bathroom at work. One, it was never loud enough (lots of sounds need to be drowned out in there) and B, there's only so many times you can handle the musak version of ABBA's hit, "Dancing Queen".
Being the grown-up that I am (no laughter please) I had let that rant go and succumb to the fact that there was nothing that could be or would be done...
Fast forward to present day...I am proud to say that in a world where most people listen to their own life soundtrack via their cell phone or the 3 iPods they own, something has happened to the musak system! No longer are we exposed to elevator versions of hit songs from the past. We now have actual songs playing over the speakers...with words...AND songs everyone knows! It's hard to express the joy that came over me as I was delivering a cancellation request to another department when I heard Prince's "Little Red Corvette".
So now, the bathroom trips are complete with actual hit songs that, if brave enough, can be sung along with whilst "taking care of business".
In honor of this momentous event, I submit for your approval...The ALFA Bathroom Song of the Day...
I was torn about deciding our first winner. There were two stand out performances on Friday, July 7, but since there can only be one winner I present to you...(drum roll please)...
"Faithfully" by Journey!!
"Highway run...Into the midnight sun...Wheels go round and round...You're on my mind..."
Being the grown-up that I am (no laughter please) I had let that rant go and succumb to the fact that there was nothing that could be or would be done...
Fast forward to present day...I am proud to say that in a world where most people listen to their own life soundtrack via their cell phone or the 3 iPods they own, something has happened to the musak system! No longer are we exposed to elevator versions of hit songs from the past. We now have actual songs playing over the speakers...with words...AND songs everyone knows! It's hard to express the joy that came over me as I was delivering a cancellation request to another department when I heard Prince's "Little Red Corvette".
So now, the bathroom trips are complete with actual hit songs that, if brave enough, can be sung along with whilst "taking care of business".
In honor of this momentous event, I submit for your approval...The ALFA Bathroom Song of the Day...
I was torn about deciding our first winner. There were two stand out performances on Friday, July 7, but since there can only be one winner I present to you...(drum roll please)...
"Faithfully" by Journey!!
"Highway run...Into the midnight sun...Wheels go round and round...You're on my mind..."
Tuesday, June 13, 2006
Baron vs. The Nantahala
I've had a week or so to reflect back on my experience. We recently returned from our annual trip to Vogel State Park in GA. We always have a great time relaxing and getting away from the hustle and bustle of what has become everyday life for the Goins clan. Whilst on the trip I was able to participate in something I hadn't tried in honor of those great match-up movies like Freddie vs. Jason, Alien vs. Predator, Godzilla vs. Mothra...I submit for your approval, Baron vs. The Nantahala (insert looming terror movie music here)
It was a Friday unlike a normal every week kind of work, no apartment, just a cabin in the woods with family and friends. There was an air of anticipation and excitement as there had been talk of a kayaking trip, and today was that day. The men rose early that morning, 9:00ish, which is early for vacation rising, scarffed down a hearty breakfast and hit the road. The party consisted of one Roxy Wishum, Keith Wishum, Mark Wishum, Russ Wishum, and me...Baron. 4 Wishums and a Goins packed into a car headed for the great state of North Carolina and the Nantahala River. I was the only one in the group who had never done this before. In fact, my only experience with any type of rafting came last summer at the end of Wilderness Trek in Colorado. This would be no normal rafting trip though. We were going funyaking...I wasn't exactly sure what that was at first. Sounded to me like something someone did after riding the Mind Bender 15 times in a row. But hey, I was up for it. We arrived at the river and decided to eat lunch first...I went with the Roast Beef Gone Wild sandwich. I was pretty sure that would sustain me for what lie ahead.
After cruising the strip looking for the cheapest funyaking outfit we could find, we settled on Fast Rivers, gave them all our money...changed clothes...put on those sexy water booties and gathered our gear, a life jacket and a paddle. At this point I finally got to see what a funyak was. It is an inflatable canoe like kayak. You can sit in it, lay in it...whatever you prefer. I figured it didn't look that intimidating and my hesitation was developing into mild confidence. After an adventurous bus ride to the "let in" site, we were soon in the water, I in my funyak, and we were a cruisin. Didn't take long to get to my first rapids...granted they were not huge at all, but for a first timer it might as well have been the Ocoee. I skillfully maneuvered myself out of harm's way and I was movin...
The rest of the river consisted of smooth sailing followed a few little rapids, a few little rocks (most of which I hit with my funyak). I was getting pretty confident until...
I saw it coming from a ways off. Big rock, standing taller than me (cause I was sitting down)...not one I wanted to mess with, but as I was trying to maneuver to the left something kept dragging back to the right and before I knew it, there was Mr. Rock. Surely I'll just bounce off of it and catch the current around...that was the last thing I thought as my funyak began to climb the rock...sideways...
You ever been in one of those situations when everything seems to move in slow motion? That was happening to me at this moment. One second I was floating, the next I was swimming...and man was it cold! upper 40s/lower 50s...and I wasn't through with the rapids yet either. My first move was to shove the boat off of my head. I had no idea where my paddle was...all I knew was that I was now body surfing in freezing water through some rapids...for the first time!
Luckily for me, I found a calm spot and Roxy pulled up along side me and allowed me to climb on until I could get back to my boat. Did I mention it was cold? Fortunately for me (and Keith who was towing me, remember no paddle) our outfitter wasn't far up river and I was able to gather my wits and a new paddle for the remainder of the journey.
The remainder of our journey was what they referred to as "the falls". Now, I'm a city boy with no real rafting experience...I've recently dumped into freezing water...what confidence I had developed earlier was drifting away with my lost paddle...and we were heading for "the falls". I'm getting a wee bit worried at this point...I know it can't be that bad, but in my mind I'm picturing this.
So, we take off and I'm anxiously approaching "the falls" a little scared but determined that I am not dumping out in that water again...and what came next was pretty much was a blur. I do remember my funyak, at one point, rising up on its side (not good if you're in a boat)...I was then bumped by Russ from behind (which proved detrimental to him, as he then went swimming) which caused me to head down "the falls" backwards!
I wish I had the pictures to show you how dramatic it really was (but they were really expensive and I also had to pay for a paddle...cheapskates), I fought the Nantahala and came out victorious...a little damp, a little cold, but victorious none the less.
It was a Friday unlike a normal every week kind of work, no apartment, just a cabin in the woods with family and friends. There was an air of anticipation and excitement as there had been talk of a kayaking trip, and today was that day. The men rose early that morning, 9:00ish, which is early for vacation rising, scarffed down a hearty breakfast and hit the road. The party consisted of one Roxy Wishum, Keith Wishum, Mark Wishum, Russ Wishum, and me...Baron. 4 Wishums and a Goins packed into a car headed for the great state of North Carolina and the Nantahala River. I was the only one in the group who had never done this before. In fact, my only experience with any type of rafting came last summer at the end of Wilderness Trek in Colorado. This would be no normal rafting trip though. We were going funyaking...I wasn't exactly sure what that was at first. Sounded to me like something someone did after riding the Mind Bender 15 times in a row. But hey, I was up for it. We arrived at the river and decided to eat lunch first...I went with the Roast Beef Gone Wild sandwich. I was pretty sure that would sustain me for what lie ahead.
After cruising the strip looking for the cheapest funyaking outfit we could find, we settled on Fast Rivers, gave them all our money...changed clothes...put on those sexy water booties and gathered our gear, a life jacket and a paddle. At this point I finally got to see what a funyak was. It is an inflatable canoe like kayak. You can sit in it, lay in it...whatever you prefer. I figured it didn't look that intimidating and my hesitation was developing into mild confidence. After an adventurous bus ride to the "let in" site, we were soon in the water, I in my funyak, and we were a cruisin. Didn't take long to get to my first rapids...granted they were not huge at all, but for a first timer it might as well have been the Ocoee. I skillfully maneuvered myself out of harm's way and I was movin...
The rest of the river consisted of smooth sailing followed a few little rapids, a few little rocks (most of which I hit with my funyak). I was getting pretty confident until...
I saw it coming from a ways off. Big rock, standing taller than me (cause I was sitting down)...not one I wanted to mess with, but as I was trying to maneuver to the left something kept dragging back to the right and before I knew it, there was Mr. Rock. Surely I'll just bounce off of it and catch the current around...that was the last thing I thought as my funyak began to climb the rock...sideways...
You ever been in one of those situations when everything seems to move in slow motion? That was happening to me at this moment. One second I was floating, the next I was swimming...and man was it cold! upper 40s/lower 50s...and I wasn't through with the rapids yet either. My first move was to shove the boat off of my head. I had no idea where my paddle was...all I knew was that I was now body surfing in freezing water through some rapids...for the first time!
Luckily for me, I found a calm spot and Roxy pulled up along side me and allowed me to climb on until I could get back to my boat. Did I mention it was cold? Fortunately for me (and Keith who was towing me, remember no paddle) our outfitter wasn't far up river and I was able to gather my wits and a new paddle for the remainder of the journey.
The remainder of our journey was what they referred to as "the falls". Now, I'm a city boy with no real rafting experience...I've recently dumped into freezing water...what confidence I had developed earlier was drifting away with my lost paddle...and we were heading for "the falls". I'm getting a wee bit worried at this point...I know it can't be that bad, but in my mind I'm picturing this.
So, we take off and I'm anxiously approaching "the falls" a little scared but determined that I am not dumping out in that water again...and what came next was pretty much was a blur. I do remember my funyak, at one point, rising up on its side (not good if you're in a boat)...I was then bumped by Russ from behind (which proved detrimental to him, as he then went swimming) which caused me to head down "the falls" backwards!
I wish I had the pictures to show you how dramatic it really was (but they were really expensive and I also had to pay for a paddle...cheapskates), I fought the Nantahala and came out victorious...a little damp, a little cold, but victorious none the less.
Thursday, May 25, 2006
This Week's Sign That I Am Getting Older...
Ok, I have a couple of posts rolling arond in my head, but have not had time to put them down what with the SSC, BSC, softball, church, let me take a moment to chime in on the AI craze (of course, before this season AI always stood for Allen Iverson, but we give and we take).
I am a fan of American Idol, so is my wife...although she supasses me in allegiance to the show. You see I declared AI dead-to-me after Chris was eliminated...what a travesty.
Anywho, back to the story...the season finale was last night (during church) and like good little 21st century TV watchers, we used the DVR to make sure we didn't miss a thing. After church we even went to a restaurant with no TVs to make sure we wouldn't inadvertantly hear the results before we got home. Overall I give the show high marks...good variety on the guest stars (although we could have done without Meatloaf's awkward performance...that was painful)...and decent numbers for the eliminated that were making their comeback to the show.
The highlight of the show for me was the surprise appearance of the purple one...Prince. Laura was so surprised by his appearance that she nearly kicked over the TV tray beside the chair :)
Now, I've always been a Prince fan, at least since 1999 (the album, not the year). Prince is a strange character to say the least. Great artist, but for the longest he only sang about 2 or God, interesting combination. He's been around for a long time and has had more hits than I can count, but apparently I had forgotten how old he was...and how old I am...when I heard people having to explain to their teenagers who Prince was. That really took me by surprise. Who doesn't know who Prince is? Diamonds and Pearls was my soundtrack for a summer in college.... what about the Revolution...the NPG...Prince's Purple Rain was my very first cassette. I got it when I turned 13 years old...
Ok, ok...I guess I should have known...afterall it's been a few years since college and even more since I was 13. Oh well, sing on Prince (now that you apparently have cleaned up your songs a bit)'re cool enough for a whole new generation :)
I am a fan of American Idol, so is my wife...although she supasses me in allegiance to the show. You see I declared AI dead-to-me after Chris was eliminated...what a travesty.
Anywho, back to the story...the season finale was last night (during church) and like good little 21st century TV watchers, we used the DVR to make sure we didn't miss a thing. After church we even went to a restaurant with no TVs to make sure we wouldn't inadvertantly hear the results before we got home. Overall I give the show high marks...good variety on the guest stars (although we could have done without Meatloaf's awkward performance...that was painful)...and decent numbers for the eliminated that were making their comeback to the show.
The highlight of the show for me was the surprise appearance of the purple one...Prince. Laura was so surprised by his appearance that she nearly kicked over the TV tray beside the chair :)
Now, I've always been a Prince fan, at least since 1999 (the album, not the year). Prince is a strange character to say the least. Great artist, but for the longest he only sang about 2 or God, interesting combination. He's been around for a long time and has had more hits than I can count, but apparently I had forgotten how old he was...and how old I am...when I heard people having to explain to their teenagers who Prince was. That really took me by surprise. Who doesn't know who Prince is? Diamonds and Pearls was my soundtrack for a summer in college.... what about the Revolution...the NPG...Prince's Purple Rain was my very first cassette. I got it when I turned 13 years old...
Ok, ok...I guess I should have known...afterall it's been a few years since college and even more since I was 13. Oh well, sing on Prince (now that you apparently have cleaned up your songs a bit)'re cool enough for a whole new generation :)
Thursday, May 11, 2006
It's Official...
That's right's official...Laura and I are having a house. The contracts have been approved, and our big bundle of bricks and mortar should be available mid-November (baring any hurricanes, of course).
We are anxiously anticipating its arrival. It does have a name, but due to safety constraints we cannot reveal that at this time :)
If you'd like to learn more about the plans for the house click here.
We do plan to post pics during the development process, so be sure and drop by for the latest updates...
But for now, here is our land in all its glory...

Don't get too excited though...the big dumpster doesn't belong to us
We are anxiously anticipating its arrival. It does have a name, but due to safety constraints we cannot reveal that at this time :)
If you'd like to learn more about the plans for the house click here.
We do plan to post pics during the development process, so be sure and drop by for the latest updates...
But for now, here is our land in all its glory...
Don't get too excited though...the big dumpster doesn't belong to us
Sunday, April 30, 2006
I've always considered myself a decent outfielder. I've played in the outfield most of my life (the occasional stint at 1st base notwithstanding). I started in right field...made my way to center...and now, in softball, I reside in left field. I love the wide open space...the chance to run and catch the ball...the chance to "gun" a runner out at second or third...the chance to make the spectacular catch...
The spectacular catch is what outfielder dreams are made of. Being able to duplicate catches made by Andruw Jones, Jim Edmonds, and even Willie Mays would be awesome, and I always dream of making that play to save or win the game.
Well, last Thursday night was no different. Our ALFA softball team was in a tight game. It went back and forth...we'd go up by a few runs, the other team would go up by a few runs. Neck and neck for 5 innings. We were the visiting team that night, so we batted first, and going into the top half of the 6th we were down 2 runs. If we were going to make a would be the time. It was quite an inning. We got the first batter on base thanks to a great basehit. Our next batter flied out to center. Our third batter ripped the ball down the right field run would score...wild throw...the second run would score sliding into home! The game was tied! We were not able to add anymore runs and went into the bottom half tied at 15. Time was running out, so we really needed to hold this team scoreless to give us a chance at another at bat.
Remember when I mentioned dreaming of making that game saving catch? Well, of course, it had been running through my mind the entire game and now the stage was set. How would I do it? Diving to my left...full extention...maybe catching out number 3 as I crash into the fence... No matter how it was to be done, I was ready...
First batter...the it comes...routine grounder...the runner is really moving and is probably trying to take second...I drop the glove...eye the runner...and the ball rolls right under my glove and to the fence...the runner scores what proved to be the winning run. I was all ready to make the spectacular catch, but I failed to make the routine play...E-7
Looking back on that play makes me I do the same thing when it comes to my Christian walk? How many times have I dreamt about preaching that spectacular sermon, teaching that moving lesson, or going on that overseas mission when at the same time taking my eyes off the routine things...appreciating my wife, keeping in touch with my friends, speaking to that visitor at church, or giving a pat on the back to anyone who needs it?
Don't get me wrong, we need the spectacular play. There are games that would not have been won without it. There are souls that would not have been saved without it. But let's not focus so much on the big play that we allow the routine play to roll right under our glove. The routine play is always a part of the game, and always needs to be made.
The spectacular catch is what outfielder dreams are made of. Being able to duplicate catches made by Andruw Jones, Jim Edmonds, and even Willie Mays would be awesome, and I always dream of making that play to save or win the game.
Well, last Thursday night was no different. Our ALFA softball team was in a tight game. It went back and forth...we'd go up by a few runs, the other team would go up by a few runs. Neck and neck for 5 innings. We were the visiting team that night, so we batted first, and going into the top half of the 6th we were down 2 runs. If we were going to make a would be the time. It was quite an inning. We got the first batter on base thanks to a great basehit. Our next batter flied out to center. Our third batter ripped the ball down the right field run would score...wild throw...the second run would score sliding into home! The game was tied! We were not able to add anymore runs and went into the bottom half tied at 15. Time was running out, so we really needed to hold this team scoreless to give us a chance at another at bat.
Remember when I mentioned dreaming of making that game saving catch? Well, of course, it had been running through my mind the entire game and now the stage was set. How would I do it? Diving to my left...full extention...maybe catching out number 3 as I crash into the fence... No matter how it was to be done, I was ready...
First batter...the it comes...routine grounder...the runner is really moving and is probably trying to take second...I drop the glove...eye the runner...and the ball rolls right under my glove and to the fence...the runner scores what proved to be the winning run. I was all ready to make the spectacular catch, but I failed to make the routine play...E-7
Looking back on that play makes me I do the same thing when it comes to my Christian walk? How many times have I dreamt about preaching that spectacular sermon, teaching that moving lesson, or going on that overseas mission when at the same time taking my eyes off the routine things...appreciating my wife, keeping in touch with my friends, speaking to that visitor at church, or giving a pat on the back to anyone who needs it?
Don't get me wrong, we need the spectacular play. There are games that would not have been won without it. There are souls that would not have been saved without it. But let's not focus so much on the big play that we allow the routine play to roll right under our glove. The routine play is always a part of the game, and always needs to be made.
Friday, April 21, 2006
Back from the dead. I'm the sleeper done slumberin'...
Believe it or not, I am posting again. I know what some of you are thinking, "Sure, he's teased us like this before...pretending to be back and then it's 3 years later and nothing." But I actually have more than one thought in my head, so I have at least 3 posts coming (if I can make the time to do them)
So, to catch everyone up on my life from my last real post(i.e. not pimping someone else's blog) to we go!
My Life in a Flash by Baron Goins
Mom gets married to Spiro...congrats guys!...Halloween as Princess Buttercup and the Dread Pirate Roberts; they never looked so good...Thanksgiving in Albany,, football, and go-carts...tacky Christmas house...Christmas...436 people crammed into the living room to watch the 397 kids shred the paper to discover the gifts...we had a blast!...Last Hour: amazing experience...New Years resolutions...sigh...January marks the beginning of the waste land that is no work holidays until Labor Day...sigh again...Seahawks robbed of a Super Bowl title...why can't Jeremy Stevens catch the ball!?! hunting begins with tons of excitement...weekend before Valentine's Day at the Wynfrey...Shula's Steakhouse...Upwards Basketball: Hearn, Skylar, Jordan, Tomias, Drew, Juwan, Richard, Thomas, and Mason...go Eagles!...10.5 hour trip to Ohio for Dad's retirement...Pro Football Hall of Fame (it was awesome!)...10.5 hours back to Montgomery and I didn't fall asleep hunting continues...found the perfect house...made a hunting continues...sigh for the third time...discovered myspace (be sure to check out the figures)...Aiden's ok!...Zoo Weekend, who knew chimps like to pick there? hunting becoming discouraging...Ringling Brothers/Barnum & Bailey's one ring circus...get to hear Hall of Famer, Bart Starr speak AND get autographed football! (I'll be posting about this a little later)...more house hunting...Man of La Mancha at Shakespeare...Easter at "the Spiros", Greek Easter food...yummy...the praying mantis hunting some more...softball season begins...4 games a week, yeah baby...saved wife from giant roach in the shower...coming to the end of this post...getting hungry and have to go pick up the pizza we ordered 20 minutes ago...
Well, there ya go. My life over the past 6 months. Sorry you didn't get to experience it with me, vicariously thru this blog, but I'll try to do better for the remainder of the year. Please be praying that our house hunting venture comes to a swift and exciting end, and that God continues to bless our family even more greatly than He already has...
Peace! I'm out...but not permanently...I'll be, seriously...Matt, don't be saying stuff like that...
So, to catch everyone up on my life from my last real post(i.e. not pimping someone else's blog) to we go!
My Life in a Flash by Baron Goins
Mom gets married to Spiro...congrats guys!...Halloween as Princess Buttercup and the Dread Pirate Roberts; they never looked so good...Thanksgiving in Albany,, football, and go-carts...tacky Christmas house...Christmas...436 people crammed into the living room to watch the 397 kids shred the paper to discover the gifts...we had a blast!...Last Hour: amazing experience...New Years resolutions...sigh...January marks the beginning of the waste land that is no work holidays until Labor Day...sigh again...Seahawks robbed of a Super Bowl title...why can't Jeremy Stevens catch the ball!?! hunting begins with tons of excitement...weekend before Valentine's Day at the Wynfrey...Shula's Steakhouse...Upwards Basketball: Hearn, Skylar, Jordan, Tomias, Drew, Juwan, Richard, Thomas, and Mason...go Eagles!...10.5 hour trip to Ohio for Dad's retirement...Pro Football Hall of Fame (it was awesome!)...10.5 hours back to Montgomery and I didn't fall asleep hunting continues...found the perfect house...made a hunting continues...sigh for the third time...discovered myspace (be sure to check out the figures)...Aiden's ok!...Zoo Weekend, who knew chimps like to pick there? hunting becoming discouraging...Ringling Brothers/Barnum & Bailey's one ring circus...get to hear Hall of Famer, Bart Starr speak AND get autographed football! (I'll be posting about this a little later)...more house hunting...Man of La Mancha at Shakespeare...Easter at "the Spiros", Greek Easter food...yummy...the praying mantis hunting some more...softball season begins...4 games a week, yeah baby...saved wife from giant roach in the shower...coming to the end of this post...getting hungry and have to go pick up the pizza we ordered 20 minutes ago...
Well, there ya go. My life over the past 6 months. Sorry you didn't get to experience it with me, vicariously thru this blog, but I'll try to do better for the remainder of the year. Please be praying that our house hunting venture comes to a swift and exciting end, and that God continues to bless our family even more greatly than He already has...
Peace! I'm out...but not permanently...I'll be, seriously...Matt, don't be saying stuff like that...
Thursday, March 30, 2006
Stop the Press...Who's that?
Ok folks. Big News! For the few who may happen to accidentally stumble across this neglected blog (bless your souls) I have exciting news. A new blog with insight beyond anything else you've ever read before...from a woman who has changed my life forever...MY WIFE!
That's right!! Laura has joined the blogging world and you need to check it out. Not only is she the most beautiful woman in the world, but she has some great stories as well. She keeps me laughing all the time and I hope she can do the same for you.
So, click on over to this site and peer into the mind of my wife...fasten your seatbelts!
That's right!! Laura has joined the blogging world and you need to check it out. Not only is she the most beautiful woman in the world, but she has some great stories as well. She keeps me laughing all the time and I hope she can do the same for you.
So, click on over to this site and peer into the mind of my wife...fasten your seatbelts!
Monday, March 06, 2006
Fab New Blog Site
This post is simply to plug a new blog site from my friend Ashley Mills. Check it out right here. You won't find anything about NASCAR, monster trucks, locker rooms, or football (that's what my site is for) but you'll find some pretty interesting stuff.
Check it out...
Check it out...
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