For us, drama began on the way home. The majority of the trip was hassle-free. Traffic - smooth. Weather - decent, but a little rainy. Vehicle - running great. Driver (that would be me) - not even drowsy. At about mile number 137.4 of our 162.05 mile drive we decided to take a bit of a detour. You see there's this house in Montgomery that really gets into Christmas. The rumor is that they have all of their lights sync'd to music. Since we were coming back thru Montgomery on Christmas Eve, we thought that would be a great thing to see in order to continue the warm, fuzzy feeling we had from our time in Americus...
So, we take the Mitilene exit off I-85, turn left onto Chantilly Parkway, then take a right onto Ryan with me so far because this is where it gets...interesting...
If you've ever been down Ryan night...whilst it's can be a bit tricky. You see, at a very important juncture in that road, it veers to the left. Of course this would be a lot easier to see if there were lights on that road! Unfortunately for us, there were none and when the road veered left, I kept straight.
Then there was this...

which led to this...

which ended in this...

The front tire looked just like this too...two flat tires on the passenger side of the CR-V on Christmas Eve. Needless to say, I was now lacking in Christmas cheer. Two flat 7:30 p.m. the rain. After a call to Mom and Spiro, and watching car after car do the same thing I did without the same result, I got out in the rain and put the spare tire on the front so I could try to drive our wounded car into a church parking lot across the street. Our poor Honda had to spend Christams Eve and Christmas Day in a cold and lonely parking lot.
Christmas Day went great (we got to use Mom's car), but I knew the tire drama had to be drawn to a conclusion before work began again. After spending a large chunk of my day off (12/26) at Sam's, and handing over my hard earned Christmas money, the CR-V is now back in business with a brand new pair of Christmas tires.
Merry Christmas Honda...hope you enjoy...and lay off those vicious pot holes...I can take no more.