Picture this...LAX (that's the Los Angeles airport) Saturday night, around 7:00 PST. Laura, Kristin, Tim, Emma, and myself are making our way through the corridors. We've had a great trip! Saw my cousin get married, got to visit with family we haven't seen in years...but we were tired and dreading the long plane ride home...
Then...out of no where, it happened...of course I was the only one to recognize him. He was walking toward us, unassuming, minding his own business, probably not even paying attention to the guy in the shark hat staring at him...trying to make sure this was who he thought it was.
That's right folks. It was....
Warren Moon! Quarterback for the CFLs Edmonton Eskimos, the NFLs Houston Oilers, Minnesota Vikings, Seattle Seahawks, Kansas City Chiefs, and maybe someone else before he finally retired.
unfortunately for me, I recognized him too late to find a pen or pull out my camera [sigh]
So Warren Moon, wherever you happen to be, I'll be ready for our next encounter...and thanks for the pic :)
Yes, that's right...we saw Warren Moon. Of course, Baron was the only one of us who recognized him, or even knows who he is. But let's not forget about our first celebrity citing, which we'll talk about later. Let's just say we saw one of America's favorite little people...
BTW, you did better than I did when I went through LAX... I saw NO ONE... of course, what do I expect flying out literally in the middle of the night. I only got to see famous places... which was neat...
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