Where I was born: Wiesbaden, Germany. I'm pretty sure I used to live in this actual building...ah, the memories
Where I live now: The Gump. Here's our founding father...
What is my name? Baron Goins. Wow, I look a lot like Eric Gwin...
My grandmother. Here she is winning the Nobel Peace Prize...
Favorite Food: shrimp
Favorite Drink: Vault. Sure they're a little hard to open, but man are they worth it...
Favorite smell: fresh baked cookies
Favorite Song: right now, probably Boomin by Tobymac. That's my car on the left...
Place I have lived: Rantoul, IL. Care free checking, need I say more?
Where do I work: ALFA Insurance Here's my company issued vehicle...
Where I will work starting July 1: Prattville Christian Academy
Where I would like to visit: The Super Bowl
I didn't know you were changing jobs! What will you be doing there? How exciting! No more cubicle!
And I didn't know where you were born...see, you really do learn something new everyday.
Yeah, Baron is SUPPOSED to be posting about his new job. :-)
I may have to steal this post for myself...
Very funny and very sneaky. That may be the most inauspicious announcement of a MAJOR CAREER CHANGE since the days you lived in that embassy building in Germany. Sometimes I laugh out loud when reading posts, but that picture of Gump, our founding father, made me belly laugh--and that's a big laugh.
I like the Vault one. What will you be doing at PCA?
I will be the Spiritual Director...sort of a campus minister position. I'm very excited about it!
I never noticed how much we look alike! I mean, other than me being shorter, fatter, nerdier-looking, and older, you're a dead-ringer for me.
Congrats on the new job, by the way. I knew you were going to get it.
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