Hey guys, this is a request from my wife, Laura...we all covet your prayers for Mark Pierce
"I have already spoken to some of you about this, but I wanted to send out an e-mail to keep everyone informed & to solicit your prayers. My boss, Mark Pierce, was in an accident this weekend and needs prayers now. He was burning some trash and a gas can caught fire and burned about 50% of his body from the torso down. He is at UAB now, and he is on a ventilator. His lungs, kidneys, etc, are functioning as normal. He does have a high temperature, but from what I understand that is typical for burn victims. He has been responding to questions by squeezing his hand, so he can hear what’s going on around him.
Mark is a very strong young man. He was just recently appointed President of Colonial Insurance Agency, and since that appointment he has been such a strong motivator for this agency. His dad, Junie Pierce, works here also, and he said that Mark was even talking about the agency while he was in the hospital. (By the way, for those of you interested, Junie will serve as interim CEO while Mark is out.) Junie called our conference phone this morning and, as you can imagine, was very emotional while talking to us. He said that there will be a website set up to post updates on Mark and for us to leave him messages. I will send out that website address once we get it.
Please, PLEASE pray for Mark RIGHT NOW. I cannot imagine the pain he is in. The only thing (and the best thing) we can do to help him right now is to pray. For those of you who go to VP and are participating in the Seeking the Face of God study, I would like you to consider fasting for Mark this week. I know we are supposed to fast on Saturday, but I am asking anyone who is willing to fast from at least one other meal this week to spend time praying for Mark.
Thanks for listening, and I’ll keep you all posted.
“If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer.” – Matthew 21:22"
Monday, October 17, 2005
Friday, September 30, 2005
The End of an Era
Well folks, as they say...all good things must come to an end. Jerry Rice has retired from football. Cadillac and Ronnie have graduated from AU. Gas prices will never again dip below $2.00/gallon...and as of Saturday, 4542 Plummer Court...also know as Momma G's place is no more.
The house that many of you actually have or had keys to...the house with "the coffee table"...the place where so many of us spent hours and hours just hanging out...is closed for business.
We moved to that house when I was in the 7th grade so of course, that house will always hold many memories...
- hours of playing "burn out" with my Dad in the backyard
- epic football games in the side yard...many of which I played by myself, always making the game winning catch or game saving tackle
- afternoon long b'ball games on the goal in the cul de sac (many with a strategically placed jogging trampoline, just to make things interesting)
- where Max and Sam (the family dogs) joined our family.
- the night Kristin (my sister) locked me out of the house...on purpose.
- lots an lots of b'day parties where cake was enjoyed by all without a fork, or knife...or even a plate. Nothing like friends hanging out with hand-fulls of cake.
- it was the place that "Q" first got together
- the home of the coffee table signed by just about everyone who walked through those doors
- hours of movies and games
- it was a place of refuge when I moved back to Montgomery
We all will miss that house that played such a prominent part in some many of our lives.
Thanks for the memories 4542 Plummer Court...you will be missed.
I know there are so many "events" that I have forgotten. What do you remember about Momma G's?
The house that many of you actually have or had keys to...the house with "the coffee table"...the place where so many of us spent hours and hours just hanging out...is closed for business.
We moved to that house when I was in the 7th grade so of course, that house will always hold many memories...
- hours of playing "burn out" with my Dad in the backyard
- epic football games in the side yard...many of which I played by myself, always making the game winning catch or game saving tackle
- afternoon long b'ball games on the goal in the cul de sac (many with a strategically placed jogging trampoline, just to make things interesting)
- where Max and Sam (the family dogs) joined our family.
- the night Kristin (my sister) locked me out of the house...on purpose.
- lots an lots of b'day parties where cake was enjoyed by all without a fork, or knife...or even a plate. Nothing like friends hanging out with hand-fulls of cake.
- it was the place that "Q" first got together
- the home of the coffee table signed by just about everyone who walked through those doors
- hours of movies and games
- it was a place of refuge when I moved back to Montgomery
We all will miss that house that played such a prominent part in some many of our lives.
Thanks for the memories 4542 Plummer Court...you will be missed.
I know there are so many "events" that I have forgotten. What do you remember about Momma G's?
Tuesday, September 13, 2005
Man, do I love my wife!
There are many ways to show how much you appreciate and love your spouse. This past week held one of those chances for me and my wife. Thursday night, there I was sitting in River Walk Stadium with my lovely bride and some friends...not to watch the Biscuits play again, but to hear...the group Alabama.
Now I know what some of you are thinking. Hey cool Alabama! I didn't even know they were touring again. Well, they're not. Thursday night was an impromptu acoustic performance to raise money for the victims of hurricane Katrina. There were 3 of the members of the group Alabama and 4 other songwriters from Nashville, all on a stage set-up just behind the pitcher's mound, playing their guitars and singing their little songs.
So what's the big deal, you may ask. How does going to a seemingly pleasant evening at the ballpark show how much you love your wife?
Well, here's the reason...I can't stand country music. I may be the only recorded case of someone breaking into hives due to the sounds of country music. I just don't like it. It's not for me, but my wife likes it. And she really wanted to go see Alabama, so there we were.
The evening started out pretty good as the opening act was Bobby Moore and the Rhythm Aces. Nothing like a little soul music to get you ready for...Alabama?
Anyway, I was entertained that night. Not so much by the music, although one of the songs was really funny. It was by my observations of the crowd I was now a part of. Laura and I began a mental checklist that I would now like to share with you. (Disclaimer: I am not a judgmental person. I just think it's funny when stereotypes actually show up where you expect them.)
So, with all due respect to Jeff Foxworthy, here is what we not only saw, but were amongst...
- various forms of mullet, both male and female...check
- 40 year old man with braided rat tail...check
- a colorful assortment of tank tops (wife beaters surprisingly absent from the crowd)...check
- trendy cowgirl hat...check
- rolled up blue jean shorts...check
- sleeveless button down shirt...check
- clothing made out of the confederate flag...check
- "Lee surrendered, I didn't" t-shirt...check
- Alabama "last tour" t-shirt...check
- NASCAR representation...check
- chain smokers smoking in a non-smoking facility...check (luckily only 3 seats down from me)
- drunk college students...check
- pregnant lady whose shirt did not come down far enough...check
- cheap, faded tattoos...check
- skinny woman with smoker's skin...check
And my all-time favorite,
- foam front trucker hat which read, "BEER: helping ugly people have sex for over 60 years"
You just can't make this stuff up.
Believe it or not, due to all the entertainment located around me, and struggling to keep my lungs clean...I actually had a good time and many people were helped as the crowd raised $110,000 for hurricane relief.
That's it for now...let me know if you have any to add to the list...
Now I know what some of you are thinking. Hey cool Alabama! I didn't even know they were touring again. Well, they're not. Thursday night was an impromptu acoustic performance to raise money for the victims of hurricane Katrina. There were 3 of the members of the group Alabama and 4 other songwriters from Nashville, all on a stage set-up just behind the pitcher's mound, playing their guitars and singing their little songs.
So what's the big deal, you may ask. How does going to a seemingly pleasant evening at the ballpark show how much you love your wife?
Well, here's the reason...I can't stand country music. I may be the only recorded case of someone breaking into hives due to the sounds of country music. I just don't like it. It's not for me, but my wife likes it. And she really wanted to go see Alabama, so there we were.
The evening started out pretty good as the opening act was Bobby Moore and the Rhythm Aces. Nothing like a little soul music to get you ready for...Alabama?
Anyway, I was entertained that night. Not so much by the music, although one of the songs was really funny. It was by my observations of the crowd I was now a part of. Laura and I began a mental checklist that I would now like to share with you. (Disclaimer: I am not a judgmental person. I just think it's funny when stereotypes actually show up where you expect them.)
So, with all due respect to Jeff Foxworthy, here is what we not only saw, but were amongst...
- various forms of mullet, both male and female...check
- 40 year old man with braided rat tail...check
- a colorful assortment of tank tops (wife beaters surprisingly absent from the crowd)...check
- trendy cowgirl hat...check
- rolled up blue jean shorts...check
- sleeveless button down shirt...check
- clothing made out of the confederate flag...check
- "Lee surrendered, I didn't" t-shirt...check
- Alabama "last tour" t-shirt...check
- NASCAR representation...check
- chain smokers smoking in a non-smoking facility...check (luckily only 3 seats down from me)
- drunk college students...check
- pregnant lady whose shirt did not come down far enough...check
- cheap, faded tattoos...check
- skinny woman with smoker's skin...check
And my all-time favorite,
- foam front trucker hat which read, "BEER: helping ugly people have sex for over 60 years"
You just can't make this stuff up.
Believe it or not, due to all the entertainment located around me, and struggling to keep my lungs clean...I actually had a good time and many people were helped as the crowd raised $110,000 for hurricane relief.
That's it for now...let me know if you have any to add to the list...
Friday, July 01, 2005
Off to the Wilderness
Hey guys! Just a quick post to ask for your prayers this next week. I, along with several others, are heading to the mountains of Colorado for Wilderness Trek, and a weeks worth of hiking, repelling, more hiking, rafting, hiking some more, etc. I've wanted to do this for several years, and this year I get my chance. I am sure to have some great stories to post when I return.
We fly out of ATL tomorrow afternoon, and will arrive back to Mtgy about 10:00 p.m. the following Saturday, July 9.
Unfortunately Laura is not getting to go, and this will be our first week apart since we got married. I'm not looking forward to that part of the trip at all.
Please pray for all of us on the trip that we might experience God in ways unavailable in the big city.
Have a great 4th!
We fly out of ATL tomorrow afternoon, and will arrive back to Mtgy about 10:00 p.m. the following Saturday, July 9.
Unfortunately Laura is not getting to go, and this will be our first week apart since we got married. I'm not looking forward to that part of the trip at all.
Please pray for all of us on the trip that we might experience God in ways unavailable in the big city.
Have a great 4th!
Tuesday, June 14, 2005
Home Improvement
Like every man...I feel it is my right, and my privilege as a man to be able to fix anything...install anything...pretty much improve anything mechanically related in my home.
Sunday afternoon, I took on the window-unit A/C. Our home is actually half of a duplex which we rent from an absolutely, incredibly generous woman from church. We'll call her Ms. English (cause that's her name). Our half of the duplex does not have central heat and air. We have a gas furnace downstairs for heat, and window A/C units (one in the dining room and one in the spare bedroom upstairs). After a few "nights of a 1000 fans", we decided to install another window-unit in our bedroom. Brilliant idea, I thought...
We had just gotten home from church and a lovely lunch at Jason's Deli (Praise God for free ice cream), and I decided that afternoon would be the afternoon the deed would be done. I began to scope out the landscape of the window, taking mental measurements and imagining the several calls I was sure to receive for guest appearances on In A Fix...
That was pretty much the last time anything went smoothly...
It all began with having to take the window unit we had purchased back to Home Depot because it was cracked. After exchanging it for another and purchasing some additional supplies, it was back to the house. I opened everything up and began to read the installation directions that came with the window unit...
I don't know who writes these things...I'm sure they have more than a 3rd grade education, but wow...not really all that helpful. Confusing was more like it.
To make matters really interesting, the storm windows we have caused me to have to "build up" the existing window sill in order for the A/C unit to fit securely and correctly. So...I drove to the in-laws house, got some wood, came back to the house only to discover I had no nails long enough to work. Luckily, Laura volunteered to run to Walmart. Thanks babe.
After nailing the wood down in at least 3 different places before finding "the sweet spot" (see earlier description of the enclosed directions), I had to lift the unit into place. That went better than expected, but because our windows are so HUGE (i.e. old house) I then had to fill in the remaining side gaps with plywood and caulk.
This is where the power tools came into play. I have a skill saw that I have used once or twice before, but no saw horses...You'd be surprised how multidimensional a good set of porch steps can be though. The cutting went right along with the rest of the afternoon now turning night. Sawdust spraying everywhere...scratched up goggles making it difficult to see the line I had so meticulously drawn...tempers flaring (ever so slightly) as I realized I had to cut more because the original measurements were incorrect (after putting everything back up)...then there was the caulking. This is an art form that has skipped past my array of talents.
Finally, after 6 hours of hammering, lifting, prying up what was just hammered, hammering again, measuring, drawing, sawing...sawing some more, lifting again, fitting, sealing, caulking, sweating, but never cursing...it was finally over. We have A/C in our bedroom now!! Hallelujah!!
My work here...is done.
Sunday afternoon, I took on the window-unit A/C. Our home is actually half of a duplex which we rent from an absolutely, incredibly generous woman from church. We'll call her Ms. English (cause that's her name). Our half of the duplex does not have central heat and air. We have a gas furnace downstairs for heat, and window A/C units (one in the dining room and one in the spare bedroom upstairs). After a few "nights of a 1000 fans", we decided to install another window-unit in our bedroom. Brilliant idea, I thought...
We had just gotten home from church and a lovely lunch at Jason's Deli (Praise God for free ice cream), and I decided that afternoon would be the afternoon the deed would be done. I began to scope out the landscape of the window, taking mental measurements and imagining the several calls I was sure to receive for guest appearances on In A Fix...
That was pretty much the last time anything went smoothly...
It all began with having to take the window unit we had purchased back to Home Depot because it was cracked. After exchanging it for another and purchasing some additional supplies, it was back to the house. I opened everything up and began to read the installation directions that came with the window unit...
I don't know who writes these things...I'm sure they have more than a 3rd grade education, but wow...not really all that helpful. Confusing was more like it.
To make matters really interesting, the storm windows we have caused me to have to "build up" the existing window sill in order for the A/C unit to fit securely and correctly. So...I drove to the in-laws house, got some wood, came back to the house only to discover I had no nails long enough to work. Luckily, Laura volunteered to run to Walmart. Thanks babe.
After nailing the wood down in at least 3 different places before finding "the sweet spot" (see earlier description of the enclosed directions), I had to lift the unit into place. That went better than expected, but because our windows are so HUGE (i.e. old house) I then had to fill in the remaining side gaps with plywood and caulk.
This is where the power tools came into play. I have a skill saw that I have used once or twice before, but no saw horses...You'd be surprised how multidimensional a good set of porch steps can be though. The cutting went right along with the rest of the afternoon now turning night. Sawdust spraying everywhere...scratched up goggles making it difficult to see the line I had so meticulously drawn...tempers flaring (ever so slightly) as I realized I had to cut more because the original measurements were incorrect (after putting everything back up)...then there was the caulking. This is an art form that has skipped past my array of talents.
Finally, after 6 hours of hammering, lifting, prying up what was just hammered, hammering again, measuring, drawing, sawing...sawing some more, lifting again, fitting, sealing, caulking, sweating, but never cursing...it was finally over. We have A/C in our bedroom now!! Hallelujah!!
My work here...is done.
Wednesday, June 08, 2005
The Fast and the Furious
Although I've never seen the movie (or the Faster and the Furiouser sequel), I'm beginning to think this is a pretty good description of the Goins' family lifestyle. Just a sampling of our weekly schedule (besides work) : Sunday - church and all the fixins; Monday - nothing scheduled; Tuesday - ALFA softball; Wednesday - church; Thursday - ALFA softball; Friday - various weekend activities; Saturday - church league softball as well as various and assundry get togethers; then back to Sunday...
Now, before you get the wrong idea about this post. I'm not trying to proclaim my family as the busiest on the planet. I know there are folks with more on their plate, especially those of you who have kids...AND I also love everything that we do. I love our church and the people that make our lives so special. I love getting to play softball as often as I do, etc, etc.
What I am saying is that I had no idea just how busy we were until this past week (5/31-6/5 -- I've been editing this a lot) when we went on vacation.
My father-in-law's side of the family meets every year at Vogel State Park in north Georgia for a few weeks. We all stay in one of the cabins there in the park. The only "problem" is...there ain't no TV, no cable, and no phone (unless you want to use one of the pay phones they have stashed in various places throughout the park. cell phones don't get service because park is in a valley). Now, I'll have to admit the thought of spending an entire week in a cabin in the woods with no TV and no phone was far from my definition of a "glorious" vacation. I wasn't exactly sure what I was gonna do to fill the time. Afterall, TV is one of life's essential commodities, right?
Anyway...I took several of the sports figures I paint and had a little set-up where I could work on those up there, and actually took a book in case I ever felt like reading. Laura found MEG: Primal Waters which is the third book in a series about...you guessed it...sharks. Carcharodon Megalodon to be precise. I had read the other books and thought it would be a good time filler.
To make a long story short...I had a great time! I had my painting set-up on the back porch. Never painted in a more beautiful and peaceful setting. I finished my book in 2 and a half days, and started on Laura's book, Stephen King's Salem's Lot. I'm still reading that one...it's just starting to get good.
We saw beautiful waterfalls...laid out on the beach by the lake...I had a morning jog around the lake one day...but best of all we had time to s-l-o-w d-o-w-n and enjoy being together. No stress, no time constraints, no worries (mate).
Getting back into the groove at work has been a bit of a struggle, but that's alright. The vacation was great! Thanks to God for showing me it's ok...and sometimes even BEST to slow down and actually enjoy the life you've got.
Here's a few pics of our trip:
Me and Laura by Helton Creek Falls
More Helton Creek Falls
Laura and the creek
Laura and LaWanna huffing up to Brasstown Bald (the highest point in GA, BTW)
Laura, Lindsay, and LaWanna (the 3 L's)
Now, before you get the wrong idea about this post. I'm not trying to proclaim my family as the busiest on the planet. I know there are folks with more on their plate, especially those of you who have kids...AND I also love everything that we do. I love our church and the people that make our lives so special. I love getting to play softball as often as I do, etc, etc.
What I am saying is that I had no idea just how busy we were until this past week (5/31-6/5 -- I've been editing this a lot) when we went on vacation.
My father-in-law's side of the family meets every year at Vogel State Park in north Georgia for a few weeks. We all stay in one of the cabins there in the park. The only "problem" is...there ain't no TV, no cable, and no phone (unless you want to use one of the pay phones they have stashed in various places throughout the park. cell phones don't get service because park is in a valley). Now, I'll have to admit the thought of spending an entire week in a cabin in the woods with no TV and no phone was far from my definition of a "glorious" vacation. I wasn't exactly sure what I was gonna do to fill the time. Afterall, TV is one of life's essential commodities, right?
Anyway...I took several of the sports figures I paint and had a little set-up where I could work on those up there, and actually took a book in case I ever felt like reading. Laura found MEG: Primal Waters which is the third book in a series about...you guessed it...sharks. Carcharodon Megalodon to be precise. I had read the other books and thought it would be a good time filler.
To make a long story short...I had a great time! I had my painting set-up on the back porch. Never painted in a more beautiful and peaceful setting. I finished my book in 2 and a half days, and started on Laura's book, Stephen King's Salem's Lot. I'm still reading that one...it's just starting to get good.
We saw beautiful waterfalls...laid out on the beach by the lake...I had a morning jog around the lake one day...but best of all we had time to s-l-o-w d-o-w-n and enjoy being together. No stress, no time constraints, no worries (mate).
Getting back into the groove at work has been a bit of a struggle, but that's alright. The vacation was great! Thanks to God for showing me it's ok...and sometimes even BEST to slow down and actually enjoy the life you've got.
Here's a few pics of our trip:
Me and Laura by Helton Creek Falls
More Helton Creek Falls
Laura and the creek
Laura and LaWanna huffing up to Brasstown Bald (the highest point in GA, BTW)
Laura, Lindsay, and LaWanna (the 3 L's)
Saturday, May 28, 2005
Stories from Cali - Part Deux
I don't know why strange things seem to happen to me in public restrooms. I don't look for weird things to happen...I don't even plan for the unusual...I just go to take care of business and they just happen...
Here it goes...
We had just arrived at the ATL after an overnight flight from LAX. All of us were really tired. I didn't get to sleep as much as I would have liked. Couldn't get comfortable in those tiny airline seats, etc, etc. As most passengers do when arriving at their destination, the first stop is the restroom. So there I am...at the urinal...
I begin to hear muffled laughter coming from behind me. Not an everyday occurence in the men's room, but I don't think much of it. Maybe someone was really delirious from the flight...but it continues AND I begin to notice people glancing at me.
For those of you unware of the unofficial rules of the men's room, staring at anyone you do not know in there is a no-no. Makes you a wee bit uncomfortable. Anyway, the staring has begun...the laughter continues...
I wash my hands...more laughter...I leave the room...the laughter follows...
It's coming from my backpack! I open it up and there's the portable DVD player we had borrowed (thanks David and Jennifer) with episode 1 of FRIENDS playing away...
Luckily, the laughter was for Rachel and not for me...
Here it goes...
We had just arrived at the ATL after an overnight flight from LAX. All of us were really tired. I didn't get to sleep as much as I would have liked. Couldn't get comfortable in those tiny airline seats, etc, etc. As most passengers do when arriving at their destination, the first stop is the restroom. So there I am...at the urinal...
I begin to hear muffled laughter coming from behind me. Not an everyday occurence in the men's room, but I don't think much of it. Maybe someone was really delirious from the flight...but it continues AND I begin to notice people glancing at me.
For those of you unware of the unofficial rules of the men's room, staring at anyone you do not know in there is a no-no. Makes you a wee bit uncomfortable. Anyway, the staring has begun...the laughter continues...
I wash my hands...more laughter...I leave the room...the laughter follows...
It's coming from my backpack! I open it up and there's the portable DVD player we had borrowed (thanks David and Jennifer) with episode 1 of FRIENDS playing away...
Luckily, the laughter was for Rachel and not for me...
Saturday, May 21, 2005
Stories from Cali - Part I
Hopefully, over the next several days I will be able to chronicle for you our exploits in the beautiful state of California. The first installment...my brush with greatness (sort of).
Picture this...LAX (that's the Los Angeles airport) Saturday night, around 7:00 PST. Laura, Kristin, Tim, Emma, and myself are making our way through the corridors. We've had a great trip! Saw my cousin get married, got to visit with family we haven't seen in years...but we were tired and dreading the long plane ride home...
Then...out of no where, it happened...of course I was the only one to recognize him. He was walking toward us, unassuming, minding his own business, probably not even paying attention to the guy in the shark hat staring at him...trying to make sure this was who he thought it was.
That's right folks. It was....

Warren Moon! Quarterback for the CFLs Edmonton Eskimos, the NFLs Houston Oilers, Minnesota Vikings, Seattle Seahawks, Kansas City Chiefs, and maybe someone else before he finally retired.
unfortunately for me, I recognized him too late to find a pen or pull out my camera [sigh]
So Warren Moon, wherever you happen to be, I'll be ready for our next encounter...and thanks for the pic :)
Picture this...LAX (that's the Los Angeles airport) Saturday night, around 7:00 PST. Laura, Kristin, Tim, Emma, and myself are making our way through the corridors. We've had a great trip! Saw my cousin get married, got to visit with family we haven't seen in years...but we were tired and dreading the long plane ride home...
Then...out of no where, it happened...of course I was the only one to recognize him. He was walking toward us, unassuming, minding his own business, probably not even paying attention to the guy in the shark hat staring at him...trying to make sure this was who he thought it was.
That's right folks. It was....
Warren Moon! Quarterback for the CFLs Edmonton Eskimos, the NFLs Houston Oilers, Minnesota Vikings, Seattle Seahawks, Kansas City Chiefs, and maybe someone else before he finally retired.
unfortunately for me, I recognized him too late to find a pen or pull out my camera [sigh]
So Warren Moon, wherever you happen to be, I'll be ready for our next encounter...and thanks for the pic :)
Tuesday, May 17, 2005
Shock & Awe
I'm back!! (well, sort of)
Ok...it has been a while since I've invited all of you into the inner workings of my life (thanks for pointing that out Matt :)
And a ton has happened since my last post...there was my lovely wife's b'day on cinco de mayo! Of course, due to the insane schedules of all our friends, we celebrated her birth on siete de mayo and nueve de mayo! We had a blast and got to eat a lot of great food! Mmmmm...food.
We also celebrated another Mother's Day! A great day to honor great women everywhere...and more food.
Recently, we also returned from our second (and hopefully not last) trip to California! I will be posting later about this. Lots of stories, sleep deprivation, and pics.
TTFN! That's "ta, ta for now" for all you non-Tigger speaking folks...
Ok...it has been a while since I've invited all of you into the inner workings of my life (thanks for pointing that out Matt :)
And a ton has happened since my last post...there was my lovely wife's b'day on cinco de mayo! Of course, due to the insane schedules of all our friends, we celebrated her birth on siete de mayo and nueve de mayo! We had a blast and got to eat a lot of great food! Mmmmm...food.
We also celebrated another Mother's Day! A great day to honor great women everywhere...and more food.
Recently, we also returned from our second (and hopefully not last) trip to California! I will be posting later about this. Lots of stories, sleep deprivation, and pics.
TTFN! That's "ta, ta for now" for all you non-Tigger speaking folks...
Tuesday, March 08, 2005
This Week's Sign That the Apocalypse Is Upon Us...
OK, so I borrowed the title from Sports Illustrated, but I could think of no other way to describe the picture I am about to share.
Those that know me, know I am about as far from a country music fan as you can get. Not a fan. I think I've actually broken out into hives when I heard country music played.
With that said, I share a picture of me and Laura (my wife, for those of you new to the program) in costume for Couples' Western Night...

For those of you wondering, no that is not my hat or my boots. I had to borrow them. Anyway, we had a great time AND won second place in the costume contest.
Here's a few more pics for you to enjoy...
Yee Haw!
Yee Haw again!
Special thanks to Matt, who schooled me on the art of posting these bad boys. Thanks bro. Now I can shower the world in pics :-)
Those that know me, know I am about as far from a country music fan as you can get. Not a fan. I think I've actually broken out into hives when I heard country music played.
With that said, I share a picture of me and Laura (my wife, for those of you new to the program) in costume for Couples' Western Night...
For those of you wondering, no that is not my hat or my boots. I had to borrow them. Anyway, we had a great time AND won second place in the costume contest.
Here's a few more pics for you to enjoy...
Yee Haw!
Yee Haw again!
Special thanks to Matt, who schooled me on the art of posting these bad boys. Thanks bro. Now I can shower the world in pics :-)
Monday, March 07, 2005
WARNING: This Post Contains Bathroom Humor
Ok, so it's been awhile since I've posted. We've had a lot going on, and since I usually only get a chance to do this during the 15 minute breaks I get here at work...it's been a while.
With that said, I decided to break the draught with what I started this whole blogness with...a little story of my experience with the ALFA bathrooms.
If you'll recall, we began with some musings of the muzak choices for the thronerooms here at ALFA, and although that hasn't really changed, I always knew a new experience was on the horizon...and here it is.
It was probably late afternoon and the work day was quickly coming to a close. As is customary for me, I have to make a visit every now and then to room of porcelian (because that's what normal people do). As I approached the door, I noticed a portly gentlemen walking away from the men's room. Not an unusual sight, for this time of day, only he glanced back over his shoulder as I approached the door. Not really thinking anything of it, I glanced his way and continued on into the room...
Looking back, it has always been my experience that with guys, we never really look back where we have come from, unless we know there is something back there that may have an effect on the next person approaching the area. I really wish I had come to this realization before I walked through that door.
Have you ever walked into a place and instantly realized there was no way you could stay? I don't know what the portly gentlemen had for lunch, or snack that day, or for dinner the previous evening. All I know is that something wasn't agreeing with him and I walked right into the aftermath...my eyes stared watering...seriously...I couldn't breathe. I literally took 2 steps beyond the door before quickly making the U-turn to get out of there! Wow!! It gave new meaning to word funky!! Not sure what I looked like, who I ran over, or in what shape the door to that sacred place is in. All I knew was that I needed oxygen and in a hurry!
Needless to say, I do not go to that bathroom at that time of day anymore. And to the big'un who left me the prize...props to you o' King of Funk! But next time, how 'bout kickin' on that exhaust fan.
With that said, I decided to break the draught with what I started this whole blogness with...a little story of my experience with the ALFA bathrooms.
If you'll recall, we began with some musings of the muzak choices for the thronerooms here at ALFA, and although that hasn't really changed, I always knew a new experience was on the horizon...and here it is.
It was probably late afternoon and the work day was quickly coming to a close. As is customary for me, I have to make a visit every now and then to room of porcelian (because that's what normal people do). As I approached the door, I noticed a portly gentlemen walking away from the men's room. Not an unusual sight, for this time of day, only he glanced back over his shoulder as I approached the door. Not really thinking anything of it, I glanced his way and continued on into the room...
Looking back, it has always been my experience that with guys, we never really look back where we have come from, unless we know there is something back there that may have an effect on the next person approaching the area. I really wish I had come to this realization before I walked through that door.
Have you ever walked into a place and instantly realized there was no way you could stay? I don't know what the portly gentlemen had for lunch, or snack that day, or for dinner the previous evening. All I know is that something wasn't agreeing with him and I walked right into the aftermath...my eyes stared watering...seriously...I couldn't breathe. I literally took 2 steps beyond the door before quickly making the U-turn to get out of there! Wow!! It gave new meaning to word funky!! Not sure what I looked like, who I ran over, or in what shape the door to that sacred place is in. All I knew was that I needed oxygen and in a hurry!
Needless to say, I do not go to that bathroom at that time of day anymore. And to the big'un who left me the prize...props to you o' King of Funk! But next time, how 'bout kickin' on that exhaust fan.
Sunday, February 13, 2005
Ok...this post is for all you experts out there who post pics in the body of your blog. Could someone please tell me how to do it. I've tried all weekend and all I get are those lovely red X's.
I've done the Hellobot thing, but I want to be able to add pics within my post. My pics are hosted by Shutterfly, but I can't seem to get them to show in my blog...
If someone could have pity on the technologically challenged and let me in on the secret, I would appreciate it.
I've done the Hellobot thing, but I want to be able to add pics within my post. My pics are hosted by Shutterfly, but I can't seem to get them to show in my blog...
If someone could have pity on the technologically challenged and let me in on the secret, I would appreciate it.
Wednesday, January 05, 2005
Oops! I Did It Again!
I'm beginning to believe that this should be the theme song for the BS...I mean the BCS Championship Game. For the second year in a row, the BCS has given us the wrong teams in the championship game.
Last year, everyone was clamoring for a showdown between LSU and USC, instead, we got LSU vs. Oklahoma. LSU dominated and the Sooners went down in flames.
This year it was the "greatest match-up in college football history", undefeated USC vs. undefeated Oklahoma, but the actual game showed it was not the match-up we should have seen. Again, Oklahoma was out played.
I don't know if you've noticed or not, but there seems to be a common factor in these two mismatches...hmmm, what could it be? That's right, OU which shall now be known as "overrated university". How much longer are we gonna have to put up with a team propped up by the media as a champion, only to turn out as a doormat in the "championship game"?
As an SEC fan, I would have loved to see the Auburn Tigers vs. the Trojans last night. Granted, Auburn may not have beaten USC (very impressive last night), but I guarantee it would have been a better match-up than what we saw last night.
If we can't have a true play-off, can we at least get the right two teams in the "championship game"? Sorry, Oklahoma, you've had two chances now...time to give up the media darling crown. Apparently, you are the weakest link...Good bye.
P.S. ROLL TIDE!!! How do we lose to Minnesota?!?! Oh yeah, Pennington is a 3rd string QB!
Last year, everyone was clamoring for a showdown between LSU and USC, instead, we got LSU vs. Oklahoma. LSU dominated and the Sooners went down in flames.
This year it was the "greatest match-up in college football history", undefeated USC vs. undefeated Oklahoma, but the actual game showed it was not the match-up we should have seen. Again, Oklahoma was out played.
I don't know if you've noticed or not, but there seems to be a common factor in these two mismatches...hmmm, what could it be? That's right, OU which shall now be known as "overrated university". How much longer are we gonna have to put up with a team propped up by the media as a champion, only to turn out as a doormat in the "championship game"?
As an SEC fan, I would have loved to see the Auburn Tigers vs. the Trojans last night. Granted, Auburn may not have beaten USC (very impressive last night), but I guarantee it would have been a better match-up than what we saw last night.
If we can't have a true play-off, can we at least get the right two teams in the "championship game"? Sorry, Oklahoma, you've had two chances now...time to give up the media darling crown. Apparently, you are the weakest link...Good bye.
P.S. ROLL TIDE!!! How do we lose to Minnesota?!?! Oh yeah, Pennington is a 3rd string QB!
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