Wednesday, November 24, 2004

Hard Days Night

"It's been a hard days night, and I've been workin' like a dog..."

Ok, ok, as much as I would love to tell you this is why I haven't posted since Lincoln was's not exactly true. But I have been really busy. My custom sports figure hobby/business is pretty busy this time of year. I've got to finish 7 figures/packaging in time for Christmas. I should be cross-eyed by the time I get through. Good thing I really love to do it. Hopefully, I'll post some pics of the new figs.

Anyways, I hope all of you have a wondermous Thanksgiving holiday! Always great to celebrate a time of year that focuses on the tremendous blessings The Lord God has showered on us, not to mention wall to wall food and football.

Blessings to all and I will post again....most likely....I'm pretty sure....

1 comment:

Eric Gwin said...

AMEN, my friend!

Hey, Dude! Don't feel bad about not posting for awhile. These things happen. At least you're still on Matt and Jon's link lists (was it something I said?).

Anyway, good thoughts. God bless you and the lovely Mrs. Baron. We've all got a LOT to be thankful for, don't we?
