Wednesday, May 26, 2004

Water World

Ok...what's the deal with ordering water at some fast food restaurants? We live in a world nowadays where it's Atkins this and South Beach that. Even McDonalds and Burger King have "carb friendly" meals on their menu, but if you want water with there's a problem.

Oh sure! You can have their overpriced bottled water. That's what comes with the "I'm eating at a fast food joint, but would still like to watch my figure" meals. THEY even come with a "carb friendly" counter to count the steps you take from the car to the table and back again! But if I want just regular, good old American tap water, I have to drink it out of a shot glass!! Come on people...does it really cost that much more for me to have a medium sized cup? After all, I'm just trying to be healthy.

Someone please explain this logic to me...and while I'm on the subject. Why does it cost so much more to eat healthy? I don't know about you, but I've never seen a "carb friendly" nothing on the 99 cent "value" menu.

"Deep inhale"......"now relax".....I feel much better now. Good to get these important life observations off my chest. I can go back to work now. Anybody seen my water?

Thursday, May 13, 2004

For a Limited Time Only...

Two good friends of mine lost their father yesterday. As far as I can tell it was sudden and unexpected. He died at home, in his sleep. To tell you the truth, I don't deal well with death. Although I am confident in my own, dealing with others' is sometimes a difficult thing for me. I would much rather tell a joke or even sing a song, than deal with the finality of someone dying.

This one is probably more difficult for me because of my relationship with my own Dad. The last few years have been a time of rebuilding a relationship that was strained at best after my parents got divorced. But through the grace of God that relationship has gotten stronger and I am eternally greatful for that. The problem is my Dad's relationship with God. You see, as far as I know, he's given that relationship up and at times like this, that really scares me. What makes it hurt even worse is my own lack of urgency in discussing it with him. We all know the easiest thing in the world to do is rush past the difficult conversations to ones that are easy and non-confrontational. I love my Dad and want him to be in heaven when I get there. I know God is the one who changes hearts, but I need to do at I can to "arrange the meeting". It's time to push past the awkwardness and take care of what's really important.

Paul said in Acts that when he died, he knew he was innocent of all men's blood because wherever he was and whoever he was with, they had at least heard of Jesus and knew what He meant to Paul. I want to be able to say that too! Please pray for me that I have a guts, the confidence, and the sense of urgency to tell my Dad what he needs to hear, and that God can change his heart.

Thursday, May 06, 2004

The End of an Era...

Well the moment we have all dreaded for quite some time, occurs tonight. The FRIENDS that we have grown with over the past 10 years are calling it quits. No more Monica and more Ross and more Phoebe and Crap Bag, I mean more Gunther and Ugly Naked Guy....there WILL be more Joey, but with no more Monica and more Ross and Rach...well you get the idea.

So, as you sit in front of the tube and remeni...uh...remember the laughs and crys, don't forget they are only a DVD collection or syndicated rerun away.

More to come tomorrow, after the big event....