Thursday, September 21, 2006


It's getting closer...I can feel it...

A lot has happened since my last post. Here's some pics to get you caught up on the progress...

more to come...


Roxy Wishum said...

Nice cabinets!

Lerra said...

YAY!!! Cabinets!! :-)

Lerra said...

P.S. Our kitchen comes complete with Jamin's arm.

Jamey said...

I love the high ceilings! So happy for you guys!

Ashley @ pure and lovely said...

so purdy.

Lauren said...

let me guess... that's jamin on the left in that one picture? i know this because he's wearing one of his infamous jamin shirts. i think that man owns five shirts and alternates.

Kenny Simpson said...

Lookin' good.

BabyJ20 said...

WALK THROUGH, WALK THROUGH... oh wait, my bad, not *yet*... :) Looking good y'all!!

Lerra said...

We have lots more updated pictures to show y'all...if Baron will ever do another post. ;-)