Monday, December 11, 2006

Return of the Mack...You Know That I'll Be Back

Hey y'all. It's Laura. Yes, I hacked my way into Baron's blog. This is just a test to see how many of you are still checking Baron's blog for updates. Anyone out there? Give a quick shout out to let Baron know that you're still eager for a new blog post.




Anonymous said...

I still check...and that is a funny picture! :)

Ryan Adair said...

I just checked and feel terrible. His last post of September 30 is more recent than my last post. I promise you will see something on my blog in the very near future. Don't give up on me either!

Anonymous said...

i just got excited. and then i realized baron is still a slacka.

Anonymous said...

I've never wanted anything more in all my life than for Baron to blog again.

Anonymous said...

For real, where's Baron at??

Roxy Wishum said...

We are all still here....waiting for the wait to be over.

Anonymous said...

I still check almost everyday along with everyone else's blog, but alas nothing new since BEFORE the house was finished! =( I was beginning to give up. You've renewed my get Baron on here and tell him to post something!! =)


Kenny Simpson said...

I check still. BTW: That is a great song.