Saturday, August 04, 2007

My Own Shark Week Video

Check it out...


Lauren said...

well that was cool! i have no idea how, or why, you made that video. but it was very cool, sharkman! very sharky.

Lerra said...

Yay for shark videos!! You're obsessed.

Ashley @ pure and lovely said...

im scawed

Roxy Wishum said...

Several of those videos remind me of the first day of school.

JSM said...

Um, yeah... was that a shark eating another SHARK????????????

Baron said...

Thanks Lauren! As Laura put it, I'm obsessed :)

Judy, that was a shark eating a seal...

Only 51 more weeks until Shark Week returns...

Ashley @ pure and lovely said...

I pet a shark this weekend! are ya jealous? Jamin and I both thought of you. it was one of those little bonnet head sharks. they're slimey!